Dialog in class with batch job in AX/ working with batch job in AX 1. Class have to extend the RunbaseBatch 2. implement the Run() in this method we can call our method which is created for logic(upload()). 3. Implement the pack and unpack methods 4. Implement the dialog() method 5. Construct() method 6. getFromDialog() method 7. Main method 8. Description method 9. Validate method 10.canGoBatch() 11.canGoBatchJournal -- class INU_UpdExtProcComplete extends runbasebatch { DialogField dlgField; FilenameOpen filenameOpen; #define.CurrentVersion(1) #define.Version(1) #localmacro.CurrentList filenameOpen #endmacro } -- public void run() { if(filenameOpen) { if(WINAPI::fileExists(filenameOpen)) this.upload(); else throw error("@SYS26757"); } super(); } -- client static INU_UpdExtProcComplete construct() { return new INU_UpdExtProcComplete(); } -- public container pack() { return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList]; } -- public boolean unpack(container packedClass) { Version version = ...
Showing posts from May, 2016